Episode 20: Beyond Asana with Melanie Green
“If you don’t have a philosophy, you’re going to react. And that reaction is either going to be what you learned, or the opposite of what you learned, but it’s not going to be what you intentionally want to do, unless you cultivate pratyahara, which is that pause…..that moving away from everything that pulls us into distraction. Taking a breath, and literally creating space between what just happened and how I’m going to be.”
-Melanie Green, Homebodies Yoga Podcast, episode 20
Episode 19: Working with Your Cycle with Bekah Andrew
Hormones are everything, that’s how we do everything in our lives, from intimacy to showing up at work, and when we don’t know what’s going on, that’s where we get these defeating feelings of “why am I not performing?”
-Bekah Andrew
Episode 18: The Intersection of Yoga and Social Justice with Dia Penning
“Yoga philosophy and the history of yoga are closely tied to social change. Even though yoga is a practice for internal reflection and personal liberation, it is directly tied to the liberation of others. “
-Dia Penning
Episode 17: Yoga as a Counterpose to Life with Katharine Otis
“Its not always thinking your way out of the problem, sometimes it’s feeling your way out.”
-Katharine Otis
Episode 16: Living in Line with your Heart with Zach Beach
“I don’t aspire to any profound divine wisdom that put my in on my path. Rather, an open heart and open mind to what truly matters…..And that’s where our spiritual practice is so powerful and valuable, because it offers internal reflection.”
-Zach Beach
Episode 15:Go All the way In with Michelle Young Long
Lately, since my surgery, what feels so good is to put on music and let my body move intuitively…letting my body feel open and free… that’s been feeling the most good, my yoga lately is wild and weird.
Episode 14: Give Yourself to you Mat with Raquel Scalon
Simple doesn’t have to be boring the more I teach the more I realize, the most satisfying yoga practice is a simple one, but infused with a lot of presence and intention and breathing.
Episode 13: Taking the Leap with Keisha Courtney
“There’s foundational knowledge that yoga teachers need to have that’s not being given to them in 200m hour and even 300 hour teacher training. “
Episode 12: Graceful Transitions with Kate Duyn
“For creating a class I think a big part of the process is getting clear about what you want to share that’s not just physical, that’s mental or emotional or spiral and weaving that theme thought the practice….so that the physical practice and the theme are supporting each other, and really building a rhythm so that people start to feel this group energy, even on zoom, when you loo and see other people moving with you in time, and breathing with you, that energy syncing up and builds the energy higher and higher, its a beautiful thing.”
Episode 11: Go with what moves you with Astrud Castillo
“…. in the end, what really sustains me and softens my heart and my attitude and all of it, the stuff that sustains my practice on a daily basis when I leave the house is chanting to God..theres something to the vibration that really softens the harder edges that still exist in me.”
-Astrud Castillo, Episode 11, Homebodies Yoga Podcast
Episode 10: Becoming a Yoga Traveler with Olivia Sacks
“If a kapotasana happens in a room by yourself, does it really happen?”
Episode 09: Training your Yoga Practice with Debbie Steingesser
“In the complete lack of balance in our lives right now, I’ve found the most balance in my movement practice. ”
Episode 08: Give Each Body Part the Mic with Amy Whoa
“Start by bookending your day with movement.”
Episode 07: Give it 20 Years with Josh Ehrenreich
“The most powerful thing is to do it again”
Episode 06: Building Fluency with Brima Jah
“My yoga practice allows me to empathize without internalizing…that I can have compassion and also have boundaries. “
Episode 05: Finding Connection Within with Valerie Starr
“And I think that’s what guides my practice..where is my body speaking to me, and how can I get into that place no matter what it looks like. “
Episode 04: Having Agency with Inbal Meron
separating your studentship from the business of yoga is really important because you can’t enjoy it otherwise…
Episode 03: Put your phone in the bathtub with Rachel Rajput
separating your studentship from the business of yoga is really important because you can’t enjoy it otherwise…
Episode 1: Stay Curious
If yoga was about just trying to achieve shapes, it would be a young persons game…but that’s what so great, if we stay open minded and curious to what my body can do today, that allows it to last a lifetime.