Episode 06: Building Fluency with Brima Jah


In this episode Rebecca talks about her new pranayama obsession and learning to shift her practice with the seasons.

Then, she talks to Brima Jah about everything the yoga practice brings to his full life as a yoga instructor and social worker.   He also talks about his budding love of Katonah yoga, a practice that endevears to keep you “in the center of your circumstance.”

When Rebecca mentions her practice is “boring” these days, Brima says, “When we have repetition and can be in the repetition, it helps us build fluency, and when we have fluency we feel more capable.”

To find out more about Brima, go to his website or find him on instagram at yogawithbrima.


Episode 07: Give it 20 Years with Josh Ehrenreich


Episode 05: Finding Connection Within with Valerie Starr