Episode 12: Graceful Transitions with Kate Duyn


This week’s episode has it all…a wonderful guest, and unwelcome visitor, triumph, a new president, and even a humiliating air kiss by your’s truly. 

This week, I let my anxiety get the best of me and I truly BOMB an interview…but don’t worry, my very kind guest, Kate Duyn gives me a second chance to ask her all the questions I neglected to ask the first round (where I basically hung up on her and said the word “amazing” an unhealthy amount of times…eek!)

We chat about her studio, Light on Lotus (“the little studio that could”), how she sequences classes to create those “my body is love” moments, and how mantra, hiking and rolling around on the floor help her find perspective. 

You can take her creative , graceful and FUN classes at her studio, Light on Lotus, or you can find her prerecorded classes at yogisanonymous. Check out her instagram to get a taste of her brand of smart flows full of pretty transitions.


Episode 13: Taking the Leap with Keisha Courtney


Episode 11: Go with what moves you with Astrud Castillo